Monday, May 11, 2009

My phlox plant has brown spots on them and the leaves are falling off. What do I need to do?

Everybody's phlox is dropping leaves in October! Phlox are susceptible to various fungus disorders, so when the plant dies back, make sure you rake out all the dead leaves to avoid or lessen the infection next spring. PLEASE, do not over-water or fertilize now. Wait until spring.

My phlox plant has brown spots on them and the leaves are falling off. What do I need to do?
fertilize and water
Reply:Check under the leaves to see if you can find evidence of any insects. I have a watering system where I live and it comes on at night and sometimes my phlox gets too much water. Definitely pull the brown leaves off. I sprinkle Sevin dust on all my plants with problems like that. Won't hurt the plants and kills almost all insects. Probably not the best time to fertilize but you could try some mulch. It's about time for that anyway.
Reply:I would guess it's the time of year. just pick up the dead leaves away from the plant and the spotted ones off the plant. Mulch well and wait for spring.
Reply:Powdery mildew! Phlox is susceptible to it, and unfortunately there is little - really nothing - you can do about it. There are some named varieties that are quite resistant to it. Off the top of my head is one called 'David'. Very nice 4-5 feet tall and pure white. I have lots of it. It reseeds easily and gives some colors - mostly magenta/red violet, and some of these are mildew resistant.

Some suggest good air circulation or spraying with water and baking soda, but in my mind you are fighting a losing battle and will be in the same boat every year. Cut your losses and get some 'David'.

Good luck


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