Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For all Trekkers and Trekkies??

Here is my ultimate quiz.Just find the coMmon bOnd and then guess the missing link in the chain:


2.)Chekov,Molly,Naomi, Hoshi

3.) Romulans, Continium, Cardassians, Vidians

4.)Spock, Yar, Jadzia, Edwards

5.)Farpoint, Klaestron,Klanto, Klingon Homeworld


For all Trekkers and Trekkies??
1. First of species in Starfleet. Nog.

2. Youngest on ship/space station??? Molly's baby brother?3. Alien species regulars? ?

4. Killed in the line of duty. Suder, maybe Kes.

5. First Mission? Bajor?
Reply:1) - First in Starfleet of Species

2) - Foreign bridge crew

3) - Federation Enemies

4) - Killed In Duty

5) - First Missions?
Reply:1: tactical officers 2: helmsman 3: enemies 4:science officers 5: officers of the federation starfleet who were from enemy worlds

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