Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Landscapers Challenge - East side, Zone 3/4?

I am landscaping the east side of my house that is in zone 3/4.

Here is my challenge:

I want to put 7-9 shrubs along my house between the house and the brick path that connects the front and back doors. The depth of the bed ranges from 4 to 7.5 feet. I want a couple evergreen shrubs (I favor yews strongly) and I want to hide the uglies of that side of the house (utilities, foundation).

My ideas for shrubs so far are yews, miss kim lilac, ivory halo dogwood, dark horse weigelas, shrub roses, and a burning bush. I'll fill in the front along the path with daylilies, sedum, and perhaps phlox.

Do you have better ideas, or can you point out a plant I've listed that you disagree with? The house is dark so I want the plants to work with it. I tried uploading 4 pictures here:


Hopefully that link works - let me know if it doesn't.

Thanks for looking, and suggest away!!!


Landscapers Challenge - East side, Zone 3/4?

I am a landscaper and designer. The one thing you need to think about is do you want your shrubs to be deciduous or evergreen. There are some low maintenance shrubs that would do well along your area. Consider doing a combination of deciduous and evergreen, so you don't have dead space in the winter months.

Dwarf Hemlocks would be a good choice and also different Arborvitaes. They are both evergreen and would provide you with year around color. There are many different varieties of Arborvitaes that would hide your utilities.

I will link you to gallery of plants section of my website and also the variety of plants of my website. There are photos and descriptions that may help you. Good luck to you and if you need further help, feel free to contact me. Have a great day!





my horses

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